Regina McDonald
“My musical journey with Anúna began when I entered the doors of St. Ann’s Church on Dawson’s street in Dublin in November 2008, to audition for Michael McGlynn. I found out about the audition very last minute from a friend but I took a chance and sometimes the slightest thing can change the direction of our lives.
Image Nejc Rudel
Although I had an undergraduate degree in Music and Mathematics from University College Dublin, my singing experience was limited. I grew up playing Gaelic football in Carlow and singing pop songs in school so my choral knowledge was not extensive. My mother and grandfather were both classically trained so at the back of my mind I always knew this was a path I might follow.
Over the years Anúna has taken in many singers, some with extensive vocal experience and some without, but each singer has an innate musicality. This is the core of what Anúna is. We do not use a conductor and as a result we are all called to be musical and collaborate in such a way that is not possible if you just follow the intentions of another who stands in front of you. This is a huge responsibility that the composer trusts us with every time we perform his music. In this way the music really lives and is constantly changing and evolving as the singers do.
This music we sing has made such a big impact on my life as well for many listeners. It is incredible to get such positive feedback from concerts and in particular from participants in the Summer School. That is the true value of what we do and why we strive to make it better every time. I am so happy to share this passion I have for the music. It is so very special and I am so thankful for it.”