NEW ANÚNA ALBUM EILÍFÐ releases February 28 to Bandcamp
You can Pre-Order the brand new ANÚNA album Eilifð released exclusively to Bandcamp HERE - official release is February 28.
10 pieces composed and arranged by Michael McGlynn feature on this beautiful disc, available in limited quantities on CD and to download. The album is a natural ancestor of the 2023 release Otherworld featuring 7 tracks from that album, remixed and re-recorded in some cases. A completely new sonic experience. Limited quantities of CDs available. Michael writes:
“In 2022, I began recording Otherworld, shaped by my time in Iceland and Japan, the impact of Covid, and the rise of AI. It was raw and muscular - an attempt to break free from the preceding years. By its 2023 release, however, I had already moved beyond it. While a fine record, it no longer reflected where I wanted ANÚNA to go, nor who I had become after a decade of hearing loss.
Revisiting it in 2024, I uncovered something deeper. I replaced five tracks with three new ones, remixed the entire album, and recorded fresh vocals, resulting in Eilífð - a transformation rather than a replacement. Thanks to Brian Masterson’s extraordinary work, the album now points towards ANÚNA’s future.
Colder and starker without Yasunori Mitsuda’s contributions, Eilífð reflects my evolving voice as a composer. The title track unites ANÚNA, M’ANAM, and Systir as The ANÚNA Collective, culminating in Systir’s haunting vocals. An Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig redefines sean-nós through Caitríona Sherlock’s stunning solo, while Earth Song / Maalaulu blends Ash McGlynn and Lorna Breen’s voices with Isaac S. Cates & Ordained, affirming the shared essence of singing as a transformative, communal act.
ANÚNA is often called ethereal, but its essence is raw human expression, not perfection. It’s time to acknowledge: ANÚNA is not a choir - it’s a living, breathing collective, shaped by shared vision into something transient, yet profoundly beautiful.”
Michael McGlynn, February 2025
Watch “An Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig” from Eilífð below
This Sunday marks the release of the long awaited full-length feature about the life and work of Michael McGlynn “Echoes of Ireland - the Music of Michael McGlynn”. 80 minutes of beautiful performances and interviews that take us across the world exploring his music at 6pm on Sunday 9th of February (EST 1pm).
Details from HERE.
The 2025 Anúna Easter School, will take place at Centro Culturale Alberione in the beautiful city of Modena in Northern Italy this April for the first time. We are incredibly excited to be expanding our work to the beautiful city. You can read about the 2024 Italian Summer School and find information on the ANÚNA Technique below. Limited places so apply early!
If you can’t get to see us live in The Netherlands and Japan this December, then why not download or stream two beautiful ANÚNA concerts, ANÚNA: On a Cold Winter’s Night and A Whisper of Paradise.
Just visit HERE.
Also available is a bundle with a 24bit download of the album ANÚNA - Christmas from Ireland and the Award Winning film M’ANAM: Between Two Worlds
The new album Eilífð will be released formally in early 2025 to Bandcamp, date and details to follow. CD copies are currently available for the first time as we tour across the Netherlands this December
There are curently no plans to release the album to streaming services.
ANÚNA Will PERFORM as part of the Summer School in Italy, AUGUST ‘24
We are very pleased to announce that ANÚNA will be performing at this year’s International Summer School in Pavullo nel Frignano in August.
There are still some places left for this year, and you can participate by visiting here! You can see us in performance below at the school in 2022 singing Michael’s beautiful “Earth Song (Maalaulu)”
Pavullo nel Frignano, Modena, August 1-4,
ANÚNA SUMMER SCHOOL, August 1-4, Italy
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our third Italian Summer School which will take place at the Accademia Musicale del Frignano in the beautiful town of Pavullo nel Frignano in the Modena region of Northern Italy this August.
Note that places are strictly limited and that places are going fast! This will be the third Italian Summer School and you can read about previous school at
Details in English HERE
Dettagli in italiano QUI
ANÚNA RELEASE A Brand new single
“L’è e Mez d’la Sira” is released on Bandcamp HERE as a free download in support of the ANÚNA Education Programme. Please feel free to donate or purchase ANÚNA releases. All money will go to support the Programme.
"‘L’è e mez d’la sira’ is a song steeped in poetry and emotion, hailing from Frignano in Northern Italy with this version of the song derived from the singing of the acclaimed Frignano group I Viulan.
It narrates the night of Jesus' birth, a moment of mystery and wonder where people, drawn by a mysterious light, moved through the darkness. The protagonist, struck by the tenderness and strength of this newborn who comes into the world in poverty yet enveloped by a mother's unconditional love, joins the angels' chorus to wish him a tranquil night, reassuring him that he is not alone.
Massimo Orlandini’s simple but powerful arrangement conveys all the sweetness and strength of this pure love, reflecting the land from which it draws inspiration, his home Frignano.
This piece was a highlight of the 2023 ANÚNA Summer School which took place in Pavullo Nel Frignano, opening the doors to an artistic journey that merges diverse cultures, embodying the spirit of the educational project launched by ANÚNA nearly 15 years ago.
This path of sharing and participation continues into 2024 (Details HERE), with the ambition of creating an international musical community from which to mutually draw and, by doing so, offer new cultural inspiration to the communities of origin.
ANÚNA Sing at Belfast cathedral
It was a wonderful experience to return in force to the beautiful Belfast Cathedral on March 15th 2024. ANÚNA have been travelling to Northern Ireland since the early part of the 1990s, and in many ways we were coming home as we had a very rare completely Irish line-up of singers from the entirety of the island of Ireland. Thank you for the wonderful reception we received and you can catch part of the performance on BBC Radio HERE for a month or so, including the first performance of Michael McGlynn’s “Maalaulu” in Ireland.
Thank you to Belfast Tradfest for being such amazing hosts and putting so much work into the performance.
Image Julie Ann Rouquette 2024, Belfast Tradfest
Lauren McGlynn features across the music of the highly acclaimed and very popular animé series “Delicious in Dungeon” on Netflix, composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.
The series has been hugely successful and also features Lauren’s sister Aisling, also a member of ANÚNA.
The Christmas Tour programme has been released!
You can download the Christmas Programme celebrating ANÚNA’s annual tour of the Netherlands which takes place throughout the month of December 2023. You can find it by clicking the image below.
新しいビデオ「EVER COME TO AN END」/ New Video “Ever Come to an End”
11月26日の日曜日に、アルバム「Otherworld」の曲「Ever Comes to an End」の新しいビデオがYouTubeで公開されます。この曲は、日本の作曲家光田康典によって書かれ、アルバム全体のテーマと制作にとって中心的な役割を果たしました。
光田康典氏の言葉によると、メインヴィーカルのLaurenとはこれまで何度も一緒に作品を作ってきました。最近ではダンジョン飯(Delicious in Dungeon)というアニメにも参加してもらっています。彼女の歌声は美しくも非常にダークな側面を持っていて、私か常に作品に必要としている、明と暗」を持ち合わせているアーティストだと感じています。彼女は所々にアイルランドのテイストを織り交ぜて歌ってくれていますが そうしたニュアンスはどこか切なくもあり、力強くも感じます。この「Ever Come to an End」は「Xenoblade 2 Chronicles 2」のルクスリアという街で使用された楽曲で 光なき雲海の底で長い年月耐え忍んでいる民たちへ、光射す大空へ向けて歩み始めよう、という 意味が込められ曲になります。彼女の歌声は闇から光り射す世界へ、という想いを感じ取ることができ、この楽曲にまた違った世界、意味合いを持たせてくれた気がします。
On Sunday November 26th a new video of the Otherworld song “Ever Comes to an End” drops on YouTube. Written by Japanese composer Yasunori Mitsuda, the song was pivotal to the themes and creation of the entire album.
Mitsuda writes, "I've worked with Lauren (McGlynn), the main vocalist, on numerous pieces over the years. She's recently been part of the anime 'Delicious in Dungeon'. Her voice is both beautiful and carries a dark aspect, embodying the 'light and dark' elements I often need in my compositions. She blends Irish musical nuances into her singing, which adds a touch of melancholy and strength.
The song 'Ever Come to an End' from 'Xenoblade Chronicles 2' is set in the city of Theosoir. It's about people enduring in a lightless cloud sea, starting to walk towards a sunlit sky, a metaphor for moving from darkness to light, from past to future. Her voice adds new dimensions and meanings to this song.
Our world is currently in a dire state, engulfed in darkness. Many might be enduring and persevering. But, if each of us focuses on the faint light ahead and takes steps forward, a path will surely open. I feel this song, this sentiment, must reach people globally now more than ever. My hope is that this video will reach and resonate with many."
Premiere is at 0900 Irish time and 18hr00 Japanese time.
Irish Times Review for “Otherworld”
A very rare, and welcome, reference to Anúna at home in Ireland by the Irish Times this morning reviewing the new album "Otherworld".
"the music on Otherworld may well be outside the orbit of prevailing listening habits, but the blend of what you might expect (sepulchral harmonies presented in sheathes of sound) is enhanced by what you might not (a distinct Icelandic sensibility that would not be too far removed from liminal moments provided by the likes of Sigur Rós).
As always, Anúna remains too distinctive for easy categorisation, which is both a creative virtue and a (perceived) commercial flaw, but the journey – undeterred by music-industry expectations – persists."
You can read it in full HERE. Thanks to Tony Clayton Lea.
The making of “Otherworld”
While on tour recently in China, Pauline Langlois de Swarte, Lorna Breen and Aisling McGlynn discussed the making of the album and their favourite tracks on it.
“OTHERWORLD” Listening Party on Bandcamp Today at 7pm GMT
A reminder that today is the day! Not only is it Bandcamp Friday (we get all income from all sales on Bandcamp), but it is the "Otherworld" listening party.
At 7pm GMT (doors open at 6.30pm, just under two hours from now), join members of ANÚNA and Michael McGlynn to chat and listen to the entirety of Otherworld. the album launches next week, and this is just for ANÚNA fans.
Just sign up here and RSVP!
“SONG OF THE SELKIE” Released on Streaming Services October 2
“Song of the Selkie” has dropped on Spotify! Let us know what you think of it.
Composed by Michael McGlynn
Viola: Karl James Pestka
Soloists: Aisling McGlynn, Lauren McGlynn
“A child walks by the sea and sings. A selkie echoes her song, coming closer to the shore and singing to the child of the great sea, dark and ancient.
The child calls to the selkie and the creature transforms. They dance in the evening sun. Then the child transforms and passes towards the night. The selkie sings again, but this time alone as she returns to the darkening sea”.
A selkie is a mythological being that can transform from seal to human form. Such creatures feature in both Irish and Icelandic folklore, grown from the complex relationship people of these regions have with the ocean.
Selkie stories often revolve around themes of longing, transformation, and the immutable pull of two separate worlds - the earth and the sea. This song begins with a viola piece called “Merrow," which refers to another sea-folk myth.
The brand-new album by ANÚNA Otherworld releases on November 9th, preceded by the single “Song of the Selkie” on October 26th. For pre-order and information click HERE
REVELATION (August 2023)
Over the weekend we released a new AI generated video for the iconic song “Revelation”, composed by Michael McGlynn and as we as the video. Michael has written a blog about this which you can read on his WordPress site HERE - a brief respite as we are completing the material for the new album. Much to think about on foot of this , and the sheet music for this stunning work is available from Michael’s website HERE
ANÚNA Italian Summer School (August 2023)
The second Italian summer school took place in August in the beautiful town of Pavullo del Frignano, Italy. The school was attended by choir directors and performers from all over the world and took place in association with Accademia Musicale del Frignano. It included two public concerts. One of the rehearsal videos before the final concert went viral (already over 300,000 views on Facebook in less than two weeks) and an article was carried in La Repubblic (see HERE) You can read an article about the school from Gazzetta Di Modena below.
Michael says “this was a great thrill for Lucy and I as this is a town very close to our heart. It was wonderful to meet old and new friends who want to explore the unique aspects of the Anúna technique. We have spent 15 years creating a type of singing for individuals and choirs based on the experiences we have had developing ANÚNA, Systir and M'ANAM and I have to say it is the most gratifying thing to be able to share these with people from all over the world. It is hard to believe that something which began so modestly as an idea in 2011 in Ireland has grown up and has carried them all over the world.”
Thank you to Ivana Bernardoni and Massimo Orlandini of ANÚNA and the Accademia Musicale del Frignano for being our partners in this, and to AERCO Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori for their support.
ANÚNA’s DÉBUT Album’s 30th Anniversary 1993-2023 (July 2023)
Our first album, titled "ANÚNA" was released in 1993, and is celebrating its 30th Anniversary. People constantly reference this release as being of great significance to them, and we would be fascinated to hear about your favourite tracks or memories of it.
ANÚNA Recording in Rekyjavik, Iceland (May 2023)
This May, ANÚNA recorded more material to supplement their recordings in Iceland in November at Sundlaugin Studios.
“We recorded multiple albums in Dublin at Windmill Lane Studios, but I think we have, at last, found a place where the ANÚNA ethos sits comfortably” says Michael. “From the earliest recordings in 1991 to the album “Revelation" in 2015 I have done as much as was possible to support the Irish music industry. But today I realise that ANÚNA is a sum of the singers who are part of it at any given time. Our sessions this may had 11 Icelandic singers recording and, I suppose, that means that the connection to Ireland is based on ideas and philosophy at this point in time. Probably one that connects us to a time when Ireland and Iceland were not so distant as they are today.”
There are no plans to release an album at this point, but we are very excited to share some of the new material we have recorded as soon as possible!
Recorded in just over 4 hours in one afternoon by Brian Masterson with all the music bar one song written or arranged by Michael this album was a culmination of six years of demos, personnel changes and hard work developing that magical sound that has become synonymous with the group.
Hot Press wrote : "Their eponymous first album, released earlier this year, takes all of this as its raw material and deftly meshes it with contemporary arrangements, harmonies and élan. The result is an engrossing mosaic of the ancient and modern that can only be described by a word that has become the most hackneyed of reviewing tags, timeless."
Initially it was released very quietly through Claddagh Records distribution, but thanks to word of mouth, eventually sold in significant quantities. It was released on Celtic Heartbeat/Atlantic Records and entered the top ten in the US Billboard World Music Charts in 1995.
An album review even appeared in Billboard Magazine as a "Spotlight" review - basically as good as it gets. It began an interesting series of reviews where non-classical reviewers assessed the work of Anúna, usually comparing it to Celtic or Folk music simply because they either didn't have experience with any classical forms or they were aiming the reviews at a non-classical audience.
Part of the album is available on the Anúna recording "Relics", now on all streaming services.
Original artwork created by Brendan Donlon
Lauren McGlynn features on New BAyonetta Theme (March 2023)
ANÚNA and Systir singer Lauren McGlynn features as the soloist on the theme song of the Nintendo Switch game Bayonetta Origins - Cereza and the Lost Demon released on March 17th. The text was written by Michael McGlynn and the composer of the song Hitomi Kurokawa has given an in-depth interview about the making of this amazing recording - read it HERE in English or HERE in Japanese. Read about ANÚNA’s longs association with video game music in this insightful article HERE.
SYSTIR - Brand New Single Released (March 2023)
March 24th sees the online release of the début track by the Irish based group Systir who have grown from ANÚNA.
Systir, an Icelandic word, comprises of singers skilled in various different forms of music from classical singing, through opera, to folk music, musical theatre and rock. “Systir is a new kind of vocal group, developing the ideas that were originated from the beautiful female voices that have given ANÚNA such a lasting reputation” says Aisling. “ANÚNA is best known for its female voices, despite one of the male singers, Hozier, becoming a household name throughout the world. That sound that has been commercialised by groups like Celtic Woman, which features seven ex members of ANÚNA including our cousin Éabha McMahon, couldn’t be further from what we are trying to achieve”.
According to Lauren influences range from Japanese anime soundtracks, through Aurora to Pentangle and Bjork. “We are trying to find our own voices by combining all of our influences together to create something unique to us, something that epitomises the idea of Systir – mother, sister, friend, companion. A myriad of human experiences to explore”.
Here is the new video for the début single to be released publicly on FRIDAY 24th March. the single will be released later in the month. Please feel free to share he Spotify Advance link HERE
Premiere of “BEHIND THE CLOSED EYE” on YouTube (February 2023)
On Monday February 13th 6pm GMT the documentary “Behind the Closed Eye” will be released to view for a limited time on YouTube.
This feature-length film explores the music of Irish composer Michael McGlynn and his relationship to the work of the poet Francis Ledwidge who was killed in the Great War in 1917. This beautiful production was filmed across Ireland and features stunning landscapes and music. It follows the creation of the album “Behind the Closed Eye” by ANÚNA and The Ulster Orchestra and features live performances by ANÚNA (Ireland), Cantus (USA) and Apollo5 (UK).
Interviews with Lucy Champion, Brian Masterson (Producer), Eric William Barnum (Composer), Rory Musgrave (ANÚNA), Clare Stewart (Apollo5) and Alexander Nishibun (Cantus).
“... Behind the Closed Eye - a brilliant testimony to the combined talents of so many gifted people…” Hot Press
Premiere of “Songs of the Earth” on YouTube (February 2023)
On Sunday next (February 5th) join us for the premiere of "Songs of the Earth" on YouTube - 6pm Irish time.
If you stop and listen to the natural world, you will hear a vibration surrounding and reverberating within you. That sensation is the song of the Earth, carried by water, wind, through wood and stone. It is a song that travels through the aeons, from culture to culture changing form and yet maintaining its unique voice. “Songs of the Earth” gives us a glimpse of that timeless, ever changing beauty that is within every living thing, unifying the world within its sinuous and powerful melody. This programme brings together unique cultural voices that somehow show that balance between the elemental and humanity is possible.
Featuring the singing of Arlie Neskahi (Native American song), Anna Morottaja (songs of the Sami People) and ANÚNA singers Ellie Níc Fhionnghaile and Fergus Cahillane.
Michael created this film as part of his tenure as Artistic Director of the Tampere Vocal festival in 2020 in the midst of Covid.
RElease of the Full-length Feature “ANÚNA : Evocation” (January 2023)
As promised, Sunday January 1st brings a very special New Year's gift to all of our followers, the premiere of the full-length feature "ANÚNA : Evocation", a sublime hour in the presence of beautiful singing and images. The film was created by Michael McGlynn and features a collection of images and songs that combine perfectly.
Join us for the premiere at 10am PST, 1pm EST, 6pm GMT
Produced, Edited and Directed by Michael McGlynn (50 mins, 4K PAL : 16:9)
"Including such disparate material on this release was very challenging" says Michael McGlynn. "Some of the excerpts were shot on video tape while others were filmed on the latest digital cameras at 4K. Restoration included upscaling to 4K using AI technology and then combining the result into a cohesive and flowing narrative.
This was helped enormously by the source material filmed in the main by myself and Nejc Rudel and thus there is a sense of unity to the material that might not otherwise be present.
The creation of videos for promotion has saved ANÚNA in many ways as otherwise it would have been impossible for us to take our ethos and message beyond this country. Filming took place all over Ireland, in Finland and the USA".
"ANÚNA : Evocation" is a 50 minute film created to accompany the release of the album of the same name. It includes songs featured on the record alongside pieces that connect to that release but do not appear on it. Recorded over 15 years, the programme contains material newly created alongside material that has been carefully restored and re-edited, cohered together by Michael McGlynn's atmospheric music. A host of performers feature as soloists including Ellie Níc Fhionnghaile and Éabha McMahon. Also featured are special guests Isaac Cates with Ordained from the USA and Finnish violinist Linda Brava Lampenius.
The Songs
I Will Give My Love an Apple
Fegaidh Uaibh (Look Away)
An Raibh Tú ar a’ gCarraig (Were You at the Rock) Wind on Sea
Ceann Dubh Dílis (Sweet Dark Head)
Fill, Fill a Rún (Return, Return My Love)
The Maid of Coolmore
Faigh an Gléas (Find the Key)
Siúil a Rúin (Walk My Love)
Na Coille Cumhra (The Fragrant Wood)
One Last Song
Maalaulu (Earth Song)
Sound Recorded and Mastered by Brian Masterson
Details will be posted of release in late December, so in the meantime here is the trailer for this beautiful programme. In most cases texts have been added to enhance the experience as the songs are in multiple languages, Irish, English, Latin, Finnish and French. The process of creating this programme was fascinating, particularly updating the original videos with new content and upscaling. The original videos were created for promotional purposes and filmed by Michael McGlynn and Nejc Rudel.
“Upscaling using AI is a fascinating process that is still in its infancy” says Michael. “The ability to go backwards in time and in some ways change the past reveals all kinds of things that cast new light on old material. The biggest job of upscaling was the complex creation of the video for “Wind on Sea” which blends very clear 4K footage with soft HD material. “Hinbarra” and “Ceann Dubh Dílis” get a wonderful and colourful makeover.”
“Retrieving colours lost to time and inferior technology is a revelation and it is amazing to see how even the earliest prosumer digital tape cameras were able to retain so much of the information that we can retrieve”
Final Public Performances in the Republic of Ireland
(DECEMBER 3 2022)
On December 3 ANÚNA will perform in public for the final time at home as we announce two concerts at Saint Bartholomew’s Church, Dublin (matinée/evening tickets, before departing on a 14 date tour across the Netherlands ending on Christmas Eve
Composer/Director Michael McGlynn says :
“After 35 years it has become increasingly apparent that ANÚNA does not have a definable place within the choral music community of Ireland, nor, indeed, the general music community.
Despite this, ANÚNA remain the flagship choral ensemble for this country and will maintain its title of Ireland’s National Choir as it continues to represent Ireland across the world. While our membership comes from many countries, predominantly our singers are from the island of Ireland and remain connected to the spirit and ethos of our creation.
ANÚNA has provided vast opportunity and experience for young Irish singers, over 250 in total. Amongst them have been Andrew Hozier Byrne, Eimear Quinn, Julie Feeney, six of Celtic Woman’s principal soloists among so many others. As we no longer will have a base station at home, we will no longer offer training to Irish-based singers.
ANÚNA will continue to perform live in Northern Ireland and in a private capacity at home.
While this may seem to be an extreme decision to make, Ireland is not known for embracing all of its artists, particularly those that do not conform to the existing artistic infrastructure. Over the years ANÚNA has maintained a steady and unique path, and it is probably inevitable that that path would take it beyond Ireland in every way.
ANÚNA : Christmas from Ireland ( NOVEMBER 2022)
On November 25 2022 ANÚNA released a 13 track digital album "Christmas from Ireland" recorded in Saint Bartholomew's Church, Dublin. It was recorded for the acclaimed Voces8 Series "Live from London" in December 2020. Available on all services now, two new videos accompany the album “The First Day” featuring Hannah Traynor and Michael McGlynn, and “Ríu Ríu Chíu” featuring Rory Musgrave. Read all about the new album HERE!
ANÚNA : Evocations, the Album (NOVEMBER 2022)
October 30 2022 sees the release of "ANÚNA : Evocations", a brand new album from ANÚNA.
Available on BANDCAMP and on all Streaming Services.
The best way to describe the latest ANÚNA album is that it is dream-like, a selection of music previously released that has been lovingly re-mixed, re-mastered and re-edited by composer Michael McGlynn and engineer Brian Masterson.
“Covid changed so much for all of us” says McGlynn. “It forced me to discard some of the traditional ideas I have had about creating albums. I want something now that is a cohesive experience, developing throughout an album, rather than just a series of one off disconnected songs. Concurrent with the album I will be releasing the film to YouTube ANÚNA : Evocation, a selection of evocations that evoke a sense of time and place, many of which are deeply special for me. I think this album points the way forward for our future recording projects.
Some of the songs on this release evoke very personal expressions. Evocation IV begins with my uncle John McGlynn on harmonica leading into “One Last Song”, a tale of a dying soldier. Evocation I is probably the most personal expression of my own relationship to my homeland. Evocation XI is my Covid piece, a multi-national recording "Maalaulu" created for the Tampere Vocal Music Festival, featuring Finnish soprano Marjukka Tepponen and Gospel icon Isaac Cates’ Ordained from Kansas City, USA. On this track as well as Evocation VI my children Aisling and Lauren appear as soloists while my brother John duets with me on Evocation X and my wife Lucy Champion sings with the Ulster Orchestra on Evocation III. My cousin Éabha McMahon also is soloist on Evocation VII. I suppose the entire record is a an evocation of the past while being a dream for the future”.
Italian Summer Residency 2022
In July of this year ANÚNA travelled to the mountain town of Pavullo nel Frignano and ran our first Italian retreat in this beautiful location. The residency was attended by singers from twelve countries and marked the first performance by the ANÚNA youth ensemble Lorica (led my Massimo Orlandini). It was an extraordinary experience working with this amazing group of people from all over the world at the Accademia Musicale del Frignano this week. Hot as it has been no one minded and we have sung beneath the trees and in the courtyard of the Academy. Thank you to AERCO Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori for grant aiding and supporting this wonderful event. And thank you to the kind people of Pavullo - a welcome that we will never forget.

Michael writes : "This summer, hot and all as it has been, marked the return of many of our singers to ANÚNA. We captured this video on our last night in a very warm church. How uncomfortable it was was irrelevant, as we were surrounded by the singers from our Summer Residency from Japan, Slovenia, Austria, the USA, Russia, Ireland, England, Australia, Japan, Chile, the Netherlands and Israel. I wrote "Maalaulu" for just such a moment, so enjoy our enjoyment. Sheet music available from You can see a documentary about the creation of the original song here -
Behind the Closed Eye, the film (2022)
Posted by Michael McGlynn - "Very proud to be able to post this extract from my film "Behind the Closed Eye". The film has taken a bit longer than I expected as it started out as a social media posting and just grew. Appropriately it is finished this year, the 25th anniversary of the release of the album of the same name and this extract features the pieces "Behind the Closed Eye" and "August", so it fits right into this week with Francis Ledwidge's beautiful poem right at the end of this section of the film. The documentary developed from just me and Lucy Champion talking about our experience creating this project in 1997 to now feature contributions and analysis from friends and colleagues - Brian Masterson, Clare Stewart and Apollo5, Cantus, Eric William Barnum and the mellifluous tones of Rory Musgrave whose love for Ledwidge's work equals my own.
Thank you to the Francis Ledwidge Museum for their generous access to his home. The film should be available later this year, and may, if I am lucky, get a big screen showing "